Experiential & Stage Shows
At Pembrook Creative, we specialize in creating unique experiences that capture the imagination, energize the senses, and inspire emotion. We strive to create immersive experiences that bring your vision to life and make a lasting impression on your guests. Our services include ideation, scriptwriting, preproduction, costumes, direction, staging, animation, and post-production.
Our most recent endeavors include a unique green screen application that involves the entire audience who will cherish the memories.
Hollywood Screen Test
At Pembrook Creative, we strive to create a unique and entertaining experience that will stay with our guests long after the show. Our Hollywood Screen Test show is a wild ride full of special effects, audience participation, and a surprise finish. We make sure to use all the amazing sound and light capabilities at our disposal to create an atmosphere that will make your jaw drop. It's an event that you don't want to miss.
Lights! Camera! Action!
Lights! Camera! Action! is an immersive stage show like no other. Inspired by the success of our Hollywood Screen Test show, this experience is perfect for any event, as it features simple audience participation with a big payoff. We adapted this show in Mandarin for the luxury China cruises. We utilize Hollywood film-making magic and some unique greenscreen maneuvers to allow our guests to walk down the red carpet, and participate in a slick award show presentation where you could win your very own Best Actor Award.
Everyone is a winner in this tribute to award shows!